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Symposium Pediatrics in Curacao - The Strength of Collaboration

From January 26, 2023 16:30 until January 28, 2023 20:30
Posted by Luigia Baerecke
745-0000 ext. 8040
Categories: Conference
Hits: 16156


Symposium Pediatrics in Curaçao - The Strength of Collaboration

Kindergeneeskunde op Curaçao staat voor kindergeneeskunde op een prachtig eiland, in een unieke setting met bijzondere casuïstiek en presentaties, en in een goed ontwikkeld onderwijsklimaat. Dit alles geschiedt onder andere dankzij een reeds jarenlange samenwerking met diverse centra en specialisten in het buitenland, die het eiland en onze patiënten een warm hart toedragen.
Met dit symposium willen we deze bijzondere samenwerking vieren en dank betuigen aan onze collegae in Nederland, die altijd voor ons en onze patiënten klaarstaan. Tegelijkertijd zal tijdens de presentaties de kindergeneeskunde in de volle breedte aan bod komen, zodat er voor u als deelnemer op uiteenlopende gebieden veel te leren valt. Te denken valt aan de laatste ontwikkelingen in de kinderhematologie, kinderlongziekten, palliatieve zorg, kinderneurologie, kindernefrologie, kinderreumato-/immunologie, kindergastro-enterologie, kinderdiabetes, kindergenetica en neonatologie.
Tenslotte willen we met dit symposium illustreren wat er - door samenwerking met academische centra - mogelijk is aan kindergeneeskundige zorg op ons mooie eiland, niet alleen voor de lokale bevolking, maar ook voor onze zustereilanden.

Tijdens dit symposium zullen wij collega-kinderartsen die inmiddels niet meer klinisch werkzaam zijn, in het zonnetje zetten.

Dr. G.M. Ecury, kinderarts-neonatoloog en opleider kindergeneeskunde, Curaçao Medical Center (CMC)
Dr. F.A. Falix, kinderarts-nefroloog, onderwijscoördinator kindergeneeskunde en plaatsververvangend opleider, CMC
Drs. M.E. Manshande, kinderarts, aandachtsgebied kinderhematologie / shared care-kinderoncologie en buitenlandcoördinator, CMC
Drs. P.A.E.A.C. Philippi, kinderarts, aandachtsgebied functional medicine / shared care-kinderoncologie, CMC

26 januari 2023 t/m 28 januari 2023 (start met avondprogramma op 26 januari)

Hybride: fysieke aanwezigheid van sprekers en publiek, congres kan ook digitaal gevolgd worden (wereldwijd)

Kinderartsen, arts-assistenten kindergeneeskunde, huisartsen, en verder iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in algemene pediatrie op of buiten ons mooie eiland

Taal: Engels, openingsavond (donderdag 26 januari) in het Nederlands

US $ 75 per sessie

Thursday 26 January 2023 - Session 1

Voorzitters: G. Ecury en F. Falix - Voertaal: Nederlands

From - To Subject Speaker
16:30 - 17:00 Registratie sessie 1  
17:00 - 18:30 Welkomstborrel en hapjes  
18:30 -19:00

Opening: historisch overzicht van kindergeneeskunde op
Curaçao: kliniek en opleiding

Drs. P.A.E.A.C. Philippi, Kinderarts – (CMC, Curacao)
Prof.dr.mr. A.A.E. Verhagen, kinderarts – prof. palliatieve zorg (UMCG, Groningen)
19:00 – 19:30 ‘The Strength of Collaboration’: De kracht van samenwerking tussen kindergeneeskundige centra in het Koninkrijk Nederland Drs. K. Illy, kinderarts, Voorzitter Nederlandse Vereniging van Kindergeneeskunde (NVK; Rivierenland ziekenhuis, Tiel)
19:30 -20:00 De pleitbezorger als uitsmijter: “Cut the crap, not the foreskin!”  Drs. M.E. Manshande, kinderarts (CMC. Curaçao)
20:00 – 20:30 Afscheid van collega-kinderarts:
Drs. I.M.J. Rosina-Angelista, klinisch gepensioneerde kinderarts-pulmonoloog
Drs. H.D. Veenhuis, klinisch gepensioneerde algemeen kinderarts

Vakgroep Kindergeneeskunde CMC

20:30 Sluiting en genieten van tropisch Curaçao      


Friday 27 January 2023 - Session 2 & 3

Voorzitters: F. Falix en M. Manshande - Voertaal: Engels

From - To Subject Speaker
08:30  - 9:00 Registration Session 2  
09:00 - 09:30 Neonatology: on the Curaçao experience – NICU as a referral center for the Dutch Caribbean Dr. G.M. Ecury, neonatologist (CMC, Curacao)
09:30 – 10:00 Neonatology: 24/7 Kangaroo Mother Care Dr. N. Charpak, pediatrician (Kangaroo Foundation Bogota, Colombia)
10:00 – 10:30 Pediatric Nephrology: case presentation and what’s new in the management of the nephrotic syndrome Dr. A.H.M Bouts, pediatric nephrologist (AUMC, Amsterdam)
10:30 - 11:00 Break  
11:00 – 11:30 Pediatric Immunology: case presentation and current management of SLE Drs. G.E. Legger, pediatric rheumatologist (UMCG, Groningen)
11:30 -12:00 Pediatric Genetics: Overview of pediatric diagnostics and genetic abnormalities on the ABC’s Dr. M.M. van Haelst (AUMC, Amsterdam)
12:00 -13:30 Lunchbreak (own account)  
13:00 Registration Session 3  
13:30 - 14:00 What every pediatrician needs to know about palliative care

Prof. dr. Mr.  A.A.E. Verhagen, pediatrician (UMCG, Groningen)

14:00 – 14:30 Pediatric hematology: Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura or Immune Thrombocytopenia: What’s new? Dr. M. Peters, pediatric hematologist (AUMC, Amsterdam)
14:30 – 15:00 Pediatric nephrology: congenital abnormalities of kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) Dr. A.H.M Bouts, pediatric nephrologist (AUMC, Amsterdam)
15:00 – 15:30 Break  
15:30 – 16:00 Pediatric Rheumatology: What every doctor Needs to know about JIA and the treatment Drs. G.E. Legger, pediatric rheumatologist (UMCG, Groningen)
16:00 – 16:30 Clinical Genetics: What’s new in pediatric clinical genetics Dr. M.M. van Haelst, pediatric geneticist (AUMC, Amsterdam)
16:30 – 17:00 Pediatric Hematology: What’s new in the management of Sickle cell disease in children? Dr. M. Peters, pediatric hematologist (AUMC, Amsterdam)
17:00 Friday afternoon drinks/party at a place to be announced……….!  

Saturday 28 January 2023 - Session 4

Chairman: M. Manshande en P. Philippi - Voertaal: Engels

From - To Subject Speaker
08:30 - 9:00  Registration Session 4  
09:00 - 09:30 Pediatric Nutrition: Power milk: mother milk vs. artificial milk Prof. dr. J.B. van Goudoever, neonatologist (AUMC, Amsterdam)
09:30 – 10:00 Pediatric Pulmonology: management of chronic asthma in the outpatient department Prof. dr. Hans Zaaijer - Viroloog)
10:00 – 10:30 Pediatric Neurology: What every doctor needs to know about seizures

Prof. dr. O.F. Brouwer, pediatric neurologist (UMCG, Groningen)

10:30 – 11:00 Break  
11:00 – 11:30 Curaçao-experience with pediatric diabetes (illustration of
diabetes improvement project)
Drs. L.J.F. Janssen, pediatrician (CMC, Curaçao) and Drs. J. Gosen (pediatric diabetics)
11:30 – 12:00 Pediatric Gastroenterology: Mystery subject Dr. D.K. Bosman, pediatric gastroenterologist (AUMC, Amsterdam) 
12:00 – 12:15 Closing remarks P. Philippi en M. Manshande


CAN A23.002
GAIA id 500765

26-01-2023 avond sessie 1 punt
27-01-2023 ochtend sessie 3 punten
27-01-2023 middag sessie. 3 punten
28-01-2023 ochtend sessie 2 punten

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kindergeneeskunde (NVK) 11 punten



  • Antonia Bouts - Pediatric nephrologist

    Antonia Bouts - Pediatric nephrologist

    Antonia Bouts is a pediatric nephrologist at the Emma Children’s Hospital, Amsterdam UMC since 2004. In 2001 she received her Ph.D. grade. She is focusing on the nephrotic syndrome, kidney transplantation, and antenatal counseling of congenital anomalies of kidneys and urinary tract (CAKUT). She is head of the pediatric kidney transplantation program in Amsterdam and participates in the Dutch pediatric transplantation working group (KINT), the European Interdisciplinary Study Group of Paediatric Transplantation (Certain), in the European Reference Network “TransplantChild” and “ERKNET”. Antonia obtained recognition as a national expertise center for nephrotic syndrome and kidney transplantation. She is chair of the European Society of Paediatric Nephrology (ESPN) Working Group on Glomerulopathy. In 2018 she received a consortium grant from the Dutch Kidney Foundation for the LEARNS study focusing on 1) the combination treatment with prednisolone and levamisole for children with the first episode of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS), 2) unraveling of the pathophysiology of INS in blood and podocytes, 3) pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of prednisolone and levamisole and 4) HRQoL of children with INS. She started a retrospective study on the recurrence of nephrotic syndrome after pediatric renal transplantation within the Certain Registry.  In 2012 she graduated in Gemmology (FGA degree) at the Gemmological Association of Great Britain in London and is working as a gemologist in the Dutch gemological laboratory of the Naturalis museum in Leiden. Antonia lives with her partner Hans Zaaijer and together they have 3 children. 

  • Elizabeth Legger - Pediatrician rheumatologist immunologist

    Elizabeth Legger - Pediatrician rheumatologist immunologist

    Ik ben Elizabeth Legger en ik werk als kinderreumatoloog in het UMCG sinds 2013. Ik heb gestudeerd in Groningen en ben daar toen blijven hangen en heb mijn opleiding kindergeneeskunde daar ook gedaan met een “korte tussenstop” van 2,5 jaar in Curaçao waar mijn middelste dochter geboren is. Mijn opleiding tot kinderreumatologie-immunologie heb ik Utrecht gedaan. We zijn in het UMCG met 2 kinderreumatologen. Ik verdiep me vooral in kinderen met auto inflammatoire ziektebeelden en doe onderzoek naar kinderen met Sjögren. We werken met veel plezier samen met onze collega’s uit Curaçao en zien regelmatig gezamenlijke patiënten.

  • Lindy Janssen - Pediatrician

    Lindy Janssen - Pediatrician

    Opleiding kindergeneeskunde in Nijmegen

    Daarna in 2018 begonnen als Chef de Clinique in het toenmalige SEHOS

    Nog steeds coördinator van de kinderafdeling met daarnaast als aandachtsgebieden diabetes en sociale pediatrie, met name kindermishandeling

  • Marjolein Peters -  Kinderarts hematoloog

    Marjolein Peters - Kinderarts hematoloog

    Marjolein Peters was born in Arnhem on March 29th 1954. In 1972 she started her medical training at the University of Amsterdam. After graduation in September 1980, she started her PhD training in the field of neonatal haemostasis under supervision of Prof. dr. JW ten Cate. In 1984 she started with her paediatric training. After graduating, she completed  her fellowship in paediatric haematology at the University Hospital of Colorado, USA. 

    Back in the Netherlands, she  became head of the department of paediatric -haematology of the Emma Kinderziekenhuis Amsterdam UMC; head of the Haemophilia Treatment Centre and head of the Paediatric Expertise Centre of sickle cell disease. She has been Co-Chairman of the Dutch Haemophilia Treaters (NVHB) and of the paediatric haematology section of the Dutch Paediatric Society. Marjolein has authored and co-authored more than 150 scientific articles concerning topics in her field  (haemophilia and sickle cell disease).

    Since 2010 she is member of the SSHP society (Surinaamse Stichting voor Hemofilie Patienten) and visit Surinam yearly. Furthermore, she is vice -president of the Dutch Sickle Cell Foundation, raising money for research project. Marjolein is a “friend” of the paediatricians of the beautiful island Curaçao and love to give advise if necessary. 

    Marjolein and her husband Adri Doorneveld live in Amsterdam. Both have since 2019 retired and enjoyed their lives partly in their house in France.  

  • Meindert Manshande - Pediatrician

    Meindert Manshande - Pediatrician

    Dr. M.E. Manshande, MD, is a general pediatrician with a broad interest in all aspects of pediatrics and neonatology, and a special focus on pediatric hematology and pediatric oncology.
    He received his degrees both at the universities of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and Brussels (Belgium). During his study, he completed his internships in Cape Town (South Africa) and in Curaçao.
    In 2012 he initiated his career as a pediatric chief resident in the St. Elisabeth Hospital in Curaçao and in 2013 Dr. Manshande became Head of the Pediatric Department, until the start of Curaçao Medical Center in 2019. Currently, his focus is on clinical work, research, initiating multidisciplinary outpatient clinics, and coordinator for contacts with other countries. Dr. Manshande works on protocols for neonatal screening and sickle cell disease and other hemoglobinopathies and is a co-writer in various publications, on subjects ranging from the Chikungunya and Zika epidemics to clinical genetics in Curaçao.

  • Oebo Brouwer - Pediatric neurologist

    Oebo Brouwer - Pediatric neurologist

    After my medical and neurology training at Groningen University, I moved to Leiden in 1986 to start my career as child neurologist at Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). In 1993, I received my Ph.D. in a clinical and genetic study of facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy.

    In 2000, I returned to Groningen being appointed professor of child neurology and head of the department of child neurology at the University Medical Center Groningen.

    My main scientific interest has been in childhood epilepsy. I am one of the founders of the Dutch Study of Epilepsy in Childhood and published mainly on clinical and genetic aspects of epilepsy in children.

    I have done consultations for pediatric and neurology patients in Curaçao on a yearly basis for more than 15 years.

    Oebele F. Brouwer, MD, PhD
    Em. Professor of Child Neurology 
    University Medical Center Groningen 
    E-mail: o.f.brouwer@planet.nl

  • Patricia Philippi, Kinderarts

    Patricia Philippi, Kinderarts
