We are passionate about educating the medical community.

CPE working group

The Post Graduate Courses working group coordinates the implementation and organization of the multi-annual program of the NASKHO at congresses, symposia and courses. The working group hereby performs one of NASKHO's statutory objectives, namely:

"Medical congresses
Within the framework of the second objective, the NASKHO organizes an annual minimum of 11 postgraduate courses, with the aim of providing knowledge and expertise to local paramedics, doctors and specialists. The NASKHO postgraduate courses have now become a consistent and continuous postgraduate education program and enjoy great interest (average more than 150 participants per course). The courses are usually accredited by the respective professional associations (in the Netherlands). In addition to traditional postgraduate courses, NASKHO provides organizational, logistical and / or financial support to other medical education courses, whether or not in collaboration with international (professional) organizations. "

A request for support for organizing and conducting a meeting is always discussed in the PGC workgroup. This working group is chaired by the Vice Chairman of NASKHO, Roland Antonius, and meets twice a month.

The working group focuses in particular on the quality of the proposed education programs and on a balanced spread of the multiannual program, of the eduational focus on the different themes and topics in the medical care.
The PGC working group consists of:
Currently the Naskho is reorganizing the PGC working group to improve its function as planning and quality monitor instrument of the programs.

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